Integrative Health & Wellness Courses
At Pacific Wellness Source, we offer courses in the following three major areas:
1) Functional Exercise & Wellness Programs
In the Functional Exercise programs, our goal is to improve your overall strength and flexibility, core muscles, balance, cardiovascular health and endurance, and ability to perform activities of daily life. Classes often include individuals at different levels of fitness, so we tailor them to varying abilities, disabilities, limitations, and health and wellness-related needs and goals — with levels clearly identified so participants can do the exercises they feel most comfortable with. We are also careful to identify health-risk factors in all group members that might hinder one’s ability to be active.
The Functional Exercise and Wellness programs incorporate:
- Specialized, goal-oriented, injury-conscious strength, balance, aerobics, Pilates, stretching, and mind-body medicine (i.e., mindful meditation, relaxation and other stress-regulation interventions, and behavioral techniques)
- F.I.T.T.P* principles for all components in conjunction with the latest peer-reviewed research
- A related lecture on the functional knowledge behind the exercises given, so together, participants understand the “why” behind the “what” and gain a deeper appreciation of how their bodies can attain optimal performance
*Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type, Progression
2) Functional Nutrition & Wellness Programs: Science & Practice
In the Functional Nutrition & Wellness classes, we review underlying health-risk factors that might affect all group members, plus environmental influences, lifestyle factors, physical and mental imbalances, GI conditions, and F.I.T.T.Ps related to physical activities. We also assess the personal and cultural food choices of the individual group members and the dietary needs according to their lifestyles and life stages. We then design dietary programs tailored to class members, with slight modifications according to their specific health and wellness needs, goals, and lifestyles.
In these programs, we incorporate the science behind food as medicine, phytonutrients, micro- and macronutrients, pre- and probiotics, anti-inflammatory diet, lifestyle, a variety of dietary guidelines, and the latest peer-reviewed research. Our goal is to focus on preventive, goal-oriented diets conscious to dietary health needs and designed for optimal health.
3) Integrative Health Education: Theory & Practice
Our Integrative Health Education courses cover important, timely topics in health and wellness, focusing on individuals as a whole and identifying their underlying health-related issues and potential health risks. We combine both conventional and complementary approaches to different health-related topics, combining a whole-person model with evidence-based strategies and practices.